Jan 18, 2011

Hellloooow no one..

I could really write a novel about how I am feeling right now. You know, when you've just got back your happiness, when your world were looking so perfect, but in the next split second, everything was falling apart. It wasn't even FALLING, but it FELL right away..

Just when you think you've found the right one, one that makes you happy no matter what, one that loves you and accepts you for who you are, one that makes you laugh even when you're mad, one that kisses you when you can't stop talking, one that waits for you every night to fall asleep.. One that makes your world perfect.

Yes I know I fall easily, but why can't I fall out as easy? he isn't just any other guy. For the whole year I've been trying to like some people, but I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. When I met him it felt different, he didn't have to do anything to have me fall for him. All I needed was that one smile. I tried fooling myself I tried convincing myself that I was just gonna play around, nothing serious. But I couldn't help it...

What can I say?
Now that everything has fallen apart, now that I can't call him mine anymore.. I wish we didn't have rushed, I wish we had waited. I wish he had waited until he was completely sure about us. Why put me up high and threw me back straight to the ground?

I haven't been feeling like this since you-know-when .. I don't know why people like me don't deserve happiness.
Maybe I gotta stop being so mean to some people ay? Well I don't care, really.

Dec 21, 2010


Don't know if anyone still read this blog. hahhaa. I remember my last post was on the 13th of Aug, or some time around that. cos that was when I met AJ !! haha. so how are you guys? :)

You guys been missing so much much much much about my life, well y'all probably don't care tho. whateverrr (:

SOOO !!! I'm happy today. Real happy. I haven't been feeling this happy since idk when. It's like I'm finally back to where I'm supposed to be. I went out with my primary school friends today :) and we watched TRON 3D. Wasn't so bad but I got bored for a while. and plus, I really hate 3Ds. Why should every single movie be in 3D now?? almost all.

Love life: boyfriends? no. nothing. dates? maybe. idk. but I got bored. LOL

Family: good :) been spending quite some time with the family.

Friends: awesome! :) well haven't been seeing my girls in a while. but everything's good :)

I haven't thought of this blog for a while, but someone out of nowhere just inspired me to continue blogging. since he said he likes my writings ;p I don't know how he likes it when all my post are all me whining about how my life sucks, haha.
oh well well well !! I promise I'll be whining less from now on :)

Since I've moved on, so there will be so much less whining now. haha. I really dunno what to write anymore. As always, I write better when I'm sad ;)

OHHH !!! CHRISTMAS IS 3 DAYS AWAAYYY !!! excitedddd ~

Aug 13, 2010

Friday the 13th is NOT bad.


Sooo I went to sleep at 5 in the morning and woke up to Hungry Jack's calling me at like 10.20 am. That means only 5 hours of sleep. The manager asked me to come for my 2nd training at 2.30 pm, was about to go back to sleep but I couldn't. Always got excited for work I never know why haha. probably bcos I've just started. 2nd shift of training wasn't bad at all but I still did mistakes :\ but I'm alright I guess :)


Went to Alexandra Gardens beside federation square for AJ RAFAEL meet and greet! :D I finished work at 5 and went straight there. reached there at about 5.30.. OMG CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS STANDING SOOOO CLOSE TO AJ !!!

Here here here here.. he SIGNED at the back of my Blackberry ;) SOOO happy! haha *I know I'm being stupid and all but I don't freaking care, it's AJ!!!*

Was with Cathy, Andry and his friend at first. We took the first pic! but Aj didn't hug meeeee !

AND THENN Michelle came over !! and I TOOK ANOTHER PIC AND THEN AJ HUGGED ME !!!! OMGGG I can't believee itttt I wanted to die standing!! hahahahaa. I'm a very very very happy girl :)
and I love this pic very much, just kinda dark :'(

Dinner: Boxhill Claypot. --> with Michelle,Cathy,Irene,and Aldo.
Been craving for it for soooo long! hahaha. finally got to eat it again, the last time we were there was when we went to Dandenong.

Dessert: San Churros QV --> Michelle,Chyntia,Irene,Cathy.
it's girls night out !!! yay! haven't had it since forever agooo.. too bad so sad Livia and Jesy aren't here :'(
I miss them like hell :( anyways, we had a very good and long talk. I LOVE MY GIRLS SO BAD THEY'RE THE BEST <3

soo today's my BEST friday the 13th. How's yours guys? :)


Aug 6, 2010

In the end, it's another good bye. But hey! life doesn't stop here :)
We've got to move on, with the hope that someday we'll meet again. Maybe someday we can sit around and talk all day about what we've been through and be proud of it. When that someday comes, whoever you'll be, my boyfriend or my best friend, I'll never regret once having you in my life :)

be good. take care.


Uni Life

I've been wanting to do a post on my Uni life but didn't seem to ever make it. haha. So here it is :)

it's me and Vittoria :D
My fav picture! :) left to right: Stephanie, Vittoria, Me, Celine.
Me and Celine! My best friend in Uni :) she's a sweety!

Yeah so these pics were taken during our Marketing tutorial, when we were waiting for the teacher to come check our questionnaire. Supeeeer bored so decided to take retarded pictures. HA!
Check out the whole album of our pics on my facebook <3

Jul 24, 2010

*Mossman backless dress, unbranded stockings, charles&keith heels*

since it's winter in here, I can't go out and walk around with backless dress! ha! I'll freeze to death :p
and I haven't got the right bra for backless dresses yet :( if you know where to get pls do tell me :D

Added on a cotton-on denim jacket. I had a good night! :)

Jul 17, 2010

I'm tired but I don't quit. I still can't believe that you've actually read my message but you can't be bothered to reply. And it's not like the message is not important, it was something I was really looking forward to, something I thought you would support me with all your heart. Bet I was wrong, I have never been right, maybe I had, but most of the time I'm wrong. After all I do miss you, after all you're the reason why I stay awake each night. After all you're in my dreams.

I know you're gonna pile me up with reasons again, and I'm gonna stupidly trust in everything you said, cos you mean just that much to me. I know you, you're not a lying person, that's why I have never, for once, lose trust in you. It's gonna be hard talking to you again, it's gonna be hard for me to accept your reasons. If it's time to let go again, probably I should...

I'm mentally tired. When was the last time I'm feeling this sick of life? When?