Got it, finally watched Avatar yesterday. Score? 6.5 out of 10.
I'm kinda disappointed coz I've been hearing lots of ppl talking about how awesome Avatar is. sigh...
overall it wasn't THAT awesome. I mean yes the scenery the visual effects were like perfecto! I should have watched it in 3D, LOL.
but then the story, the moral was like kinda NADA. I almost fell asleep =.=
Anyways yesterday was a BAD BAD BAD DAY. had quite a massive fight with mom and dad, thus I failed to go out with my friends today. dang!
So I stayed home, did nothing on Mother's Day. wanted to buy something for mom but then I figured that it wouldn't mean anything, buying her something that she wouldn't even appreciate, plus, I don't even wanna buy her anything. not even a word with her today. with daddy too.
some stupid emo words:
You used to be mine, used to be our pictures inside that frame, with us both smiling and laughing happily. The memories are still so fresh, so far back but it still seems like yesterday. The word 'forever' used to touch my heart, melted me down when I was feeling cold, held me up when I was lost.
When did 'forever' even end? and why did it even have to end like that?
all the pain you put me through, the wound in my heart. they still feel like new.
even after you're gone the pain was still there. and now I have to again stand up, accepting the fact that you're gone, that you haven't changed.
how I wish to see myself in that picture. not anybody else.
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