WOOHOO ! officially graduated Uniprep :D glad that I actually chose to go to the graduation party. it wasn't like so fancy and all but I did have fun! met friends, and fellow teachers! ahh how I miss them! some of them are like so different when they're out of class ;p
I always thought that they hated my class, like with their whole heart. LOL.
MR HAFIZ !!! ahh that man! I miss him like crazyyy !!!
okay I was THE ONLY GIRL from my batch, who came. like hell :( I miss my other girls, but well, Cyntia's in Jambi, Airin's in US already, Ary Cherie and Anne just couldn't make it. Anywhooo there were only 6 of us who attended the ceremony. our batch consists of 13 people, I guess?
Livia accompanied me to the ceremony, Ren wanted to but she fell asleep. haha. I loveee my girls!
pictures picturess :D

check out the rest of the pics on my facebook ! :)
anddd I went for my sketching lesson today and drew this! still not very pretty erghh I hate not having talent in drawing :(
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