Watched this today :D and I cried shit, like for real. I was sobbing through-out the movie. It was about, um, romance and family. I guess? coz it was about Miley(Ronnie)'s dad who had a cancer and died in the end. Ah I'm just not good in doing movie reviews, I'd prefer you guys go watch it yourselves. It is simply worth watching :D I would love to watch for the 2nd time! and 3rd, and 4th, 5th, xxx times.
some scenes from the movie:

Good Lord, I think I really need to stop watching Romantic Movies cos I'd be more desperate each time I watch, I'd pity myself more, and I'd finally look down at myself. My current love life is just as pathetic as it can be. You know when you feel like you really want to have somebody but you just can't find him? =\
yeah.. so every night I would sit here, think about those stupid stuffs. I wonder how life would be if I didn't come here.. not that I don't like it here though. I LOVE MELBOURNE. it's just, I don't know. I can't even figure out my own feelings.
Can't fall for anyone anymore. too scared to do so. not blaming anyone but myself.
lesson learned yeah, but scars left. scars, again. when will ppl stop hurting?
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