She's been here for a week. It's amazing how 1 week can change my life. I was bored and lonely. But when she's here, together with Michelle and Cathy, my life seemed perfect. Well I still wish Irene was here :( It's funny and amazing, how we are so close together. Like I've never really imagined having such best friends. We laugh together, we cry together. We are separated for now but we're going to be together again someday. Irene will be here on June. Livia's gonna come to Melbie as often as she could. See? the chemistry, the bond. I still can't believe it. Okay I always goose-bumps whenever I write about me and my girls.
They are truly the most amazing gift that God has given me. I will give up anything just to keep us strong.

This girl, she never ever fails to make me feel happy, loved, and belonged. I love her so much she has no idea. No matter what she does, no matter how annoying she is when she talks so loud, I've always loved her. We have this bond, I don't know what to call it. Okay, here's an example. I was thinking about her, I was gonna text her, but 3 seconds later she called me out of nowhere. Another example, we were on MSN, talking shits and craps, we were both typing, then when we hit 'enter', it turned out to be like we both were talking about the same thing. Our minds are connected. Our hearts too. We always say that we're sisters but born separately. I've never really had such a friend like her. She's the only one in the world that will not judge me no matter what I do. Last week she got wasted and I had to take care of her. Well Cathy and Michelle did too. But I'm sure they can see how stressed out I was. I didn't know what to do. I've never dealt with drunk people. And I was scared. Like for real scared. I hated her, I wanted to slap her, yes I swear to God I wanted to. But I just couldn't. She was so annoying but yet weak. Can't even tell you how I was feeling. It was mixed up. Then when she finally fell asleep, I stayed awake. I was afraid that if I sleep, she will vomit again, or something. Okay I slept for 3 separate hours that day. But in the end it was all I could do for her. I really thanked God she was in Melb that day. Thank God that she had us to take care of her.

God works in magical ways. The most amazing thing that has ever happened in my whole life, is LL.
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