Sep 1, 2009

One Year

Tomorrow will be exactly a year since Granny left. I wish I didn't have to attend school, so that I could be in the ceremony and all. My family is a Buddhist family so they have this praying and burning papers thing. We are going to burn clothes, sandals, make ups, jewelries and etc for Her.
It's been a year and yet the pain is still there. I will think about Her every now and then. She used to be the one giving me food, buying me things. I was even closer to Her than to my mom, coz mom had to work and all.
I can't believe how much pain I'm in. I've been with Her for almost 16 years. (She went away before I was 16) She used to be the one saving me from being beaten by mom, She was my hero. She was always with me when mom and dad got into a fight.
I was with Her for only 15+ years, I can't imagine how mom's feeling right now. I bet she and my aunt will be crying shit tomorrow.

My Granny is a hero.
Someone that everyone liked. Someone that never get anyone upset. I bet nobody hates Her bcoz there's nothing in Her that deserve people to dislike Her.
She helped the ones who were in need, even though She didn't have much. She was the closest to my sis and I, as we were living together.
I remember the last thing She said to me, not more than a week before She left. She told me not to think about relationships for now, She wanted me to study hard and make Her proud when I finished my Uni.
She used to fantasize about what's going to happen in my wedding. Used to tell me that She wished to be able to attend my wedding.
We were so close that we could talk for hours, just the 2 of us. When she cried, I cried. When I cried, She comforted me.

Still can't believe that She's gone..
coz She was so close to me, so touchable, so angelic. And now She's became the real angel. The angel that I can't see anymore.
but still, the memories remain in the heart. and the pain is indescribable.

I MISS YOU, dat's all I can say.

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